Frequently asked questions

How much is this tool?

We are providing this tool for free. You can use it for private or corporate purposes.

Can we use to create product manuals?


How can we support the LCD, VFD, and OLED that are not in the download package?

Please choose the closest design from the file that is included, and then copy and edit that design to use. Please refer to the customization page for the detail of parameters in the setting file.

We are manufacturing LCDs. We have created a file that supports our product. Can you include it in the package?

Sure. Please contact us from the contact page.

How is this structured with what kinds of setting files?

This tool is structured with 2 files. LCD profile which defines the number of displaying letters and drawing size, and LCD font file which defines the LCD displaying font.

How can I change the displaying content?

You can change it only by adding a few text lines in the command program. Please refer to the sample included in the file to change and see how the output result goes.